Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Days..........

Jack Frost doesn't want to go away anytime soon!

New England is going to get hit hard tonight, we have one storm a small one that give us a dusting, 3 inches to us that's just a dusting, once that storm moves out a nor'easter that is right behind it and that will leave another 18 inches ~ YUCK! We're also going to get wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour... I have my candles, flashlights & matches ready to go just in case!

Rhode Island (I work in RI) & Massachusetts have shut down for tomorrow, work is closed for me ~ not Mr. P :/ all essential personnel have to report, I guess that means Corrections Officers buddy!!

I am just hoping that he is able to get out tomorrow morning & get home, last time it snowed like this he got stuck at work due to all of the first shift offices that called out. I had to shovel the snow all by myself, Ms. B helped LOL! It took me all day long! I don't know if I'll be able to do it this time around, maybe one spoonful at a time ~ HEHE!!

I'll keep you posted, I know my little Georgia Peaches got hit with some snow, thanks for sharing all of your wonderful pictures! Stay warm gals!!

Joyce, my hip is feeling better, right arm is not so bad either but this left one of mine if I could just yank it off an hang it on a hook for a while ~ OUCH!!! I go back on February 4th & if it' snot feeling better I'll have to let him know OH NO!!!

Well, I'm going to run, hope you all have a great night!

Until tomorrow, Be Safe & God Bless!!


  1. The only thing I can say is bless your heart. I like to visit with the snow, but I sure wouldn't want it to live here. I bet it's beautiful up there, though. Hope you'll make some pictures!

  2. NOW that sounds like WAY TOO much of the white stuff for me! I hope you don't lose power but you'll have your emergency gear just in case! I will be praying for you and Mr. P thru this storm! Hope your arm gets better! Love you bunches! HUGS!

  3. You can HAVE those nor'easter snows, girl...
    Boy can you have em....I have had enough snow for the winter now...(PLEASE!!!) The ice is worse though. scares me...too cold for this Southern girl.....Glad that parts of you are doing better!!! Being cold can't help at ALL!!!
    Stay warm and wrapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs to you, enjoy your day off...

  4. I'm glad you have some relief. Still praying. Wow... that is alot of snow coming your way. It started snowing an hour ago.. We got covered ground. It's suppose to warm up by morning and rain. I know some kids playing out in the dark in the snow! Enjoy your night and hope Mr P drives careful!!!

  5. Don't even try to shovel that snow - that's an order. ;)

    Can't wait to see some snowy pictures. You send us some snow, and I'll send you some warmer weather. lol! Can you imagine snow in this desert? That would be way crazy!

    Stay warm and safe.

  6. Oh well that is way more snow that we ever thought about!! :) Our grocery stores are running out of food because none of us know how to drive in this stuff!! :)

    DO NOT SHOVEL ANY SNOW!!! Your arms and hip already hurting...YOU BETTER NOT!!

    Enjoy your day off!! Love you bunches!!
