Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Got A Late Start.....

I got in late this evening. Rushed about to get my "chores" done, caught up on the must reads, now I'm out of gas...

I'm getting too old for this ~ LOL!

Ms. B is already tucked away & Mr. P is down the hall getting ready to head out to work.

Rained all day AGAIN!!!!

See ya tomorrow...


  1. Oh Sweetie...
    I am so hearing you on this one. I feel like I am pedaling in the same place and not moving an inch at all. What a week it has been.

    So sorry to hear it rained all day. At least we got no rain or HAIL today. After yesterday I would say that is enough to last for a long time.

    Get some rest sweetie, and let's do it again tomorrow. Love ya sweetie, Sherry

  2. I do believe you ARE having the same storm we experienced last week. RAIN RAIN RAIN ~ nonending RAIN...That's what gives 20 inches of precipitation and sinkholes...Now I know!
    Hope the sun'll come out tomorrow...hmmm that reminds me of a song. :-)
    Hugs! Hope Ms. B's leg is all better.

  3. Now, stop rubbing it in that you're getting so much rain. Oh wait, that's right, it's not a good thing for you. ;)

    Take care. Hopefully, you're getting a good night's rest as I write this.

  4. Girl, you are busy up there! I went to bed early last night and got a good long night of sleep:) Hope it stops raining on your parade. Enjoy your day my friend! Love you bunches, hugs!

  5. Now...I know that Rain is a good thing and that Rain makes corn and corn makes get ready...You will be making whiskey from all this rain!! hehe!! I hate rain myself...I love the sun! But I amd really loving the cooler weather we are having here!!

    Enjoy your day and I love you bunches!!
