Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday At Last.....

O.k. so I know you are just as anxious as I was this morning before stepping up to that dastardly scale to do battle, guess what this week I Won, yup....
A pound & 1/4 I could have kissed that Weight Watcher Lady, hehehehe!

Then off to shhhhhhhhh, the mall!!!
, the goods are still in the trunk of the car ~ YIKES. Hubby was supposed to be installing replacement windows at a friends house today but they had to paint the sticks (like I even know what that means) so he came home early, DARN!

Billy the kid called this morning at 4:00am, that's just about the time I really fall into a deep sleep, I was so groggy I couldn't get his name out. Poor sweet child thought something was wrong...I do miss him so, I wish they had shirts that said 1/2 my heart is in Okinawa ~ I'd buy one for every day of the week!

I was thinking about so many things today and realized how lucky I am, I have such a wonderful husband and my children are my world & who could ask for more???
Ahhhhh ~ The Family!

This was taken last Thanksgiving, I get so sad thinking about the holidays with out Billy at home...o.k. I can't even write about it because I'm filling up!

O.k. ~ we're hoping to hit the beach tomorrow, and I promise to take pictures and then off to a BBQ and fireworks, I'm going to make my zucchini cakes ~yummo!!. Billy's Auntie Fran always has a cook out on this weekend to celebrate Uncle Ed's birthday and also to see the fire works from Fall River Celebrates America Festival. Uncle Ed passed away this past February from pancreatic cancer so it will be bitter sweet. Auntie Fran & Uncle Ed are Little Billy's Godparents so they are kind of special to us, she e-mails him faithfully and sends little care packages every chance she gets.

Here's a picture of Uncle Ed and his girls, Kelly, Uncle Ed, Kimmy & Jocelyn taken last year at Billy's going away party...

Well I hope you have a great Friday night, tune in tomorrow night for the next edition of the Saturday Evening Post!

1 comment:

  1. You know I will get me some of those skinny cows!! I am so proud of you loosing that much in a week! Love the picture and I really hate thinking about the holidays! I just know that Justin will be gone to Afghanistan(spelling)!!! You have a great evening and can't wait to catch the Saturday evening post!!! LYLAS!!
