Hi Girls!!! I haven't been sick & I have missed my bloggy pals so much but honestly I have been too tired when I get in from work!
Mr. P's third shift job has really taken it's toll with regard to our sleep patterns....He comes home at 7:15am, heads off to the range is back by 11:00am has a bite to eat & heads off to bed...usually he's asleep by noon & he sleeps until 9:30 - 9:45!!! Gets up hops in the shower throws on his uniform and he's off! WOW 9.5 hours of sleep ~ GRRRR.
Meanwhile I am downstairs or on the computer trying to stay awake, I fight it & fight it and then when I can finally get into bed I am wide awake! Last week I tried staying in Billy's room, after a very in depth conversation with the mister "PLEASE DO NOT WAKE ME UP IF YOU SEE THAT I AM ASLEEP" I decided to just go to bed when I am tired, which meant trying to catch some ZZZZZZZssss in Billy's room....
Mr. P. ~ "LYNDA (shouting) are you asleep, are you going to come up here"
Lynda P. ~ "OMG, what is wrong with you, didn't we just talk about this!!!???? Please, I am having such a a hard time sleeping...we just talked about this!!! Didn't I ask you not to shout for me, not to wake me up, well?
Mr. P. ~ "Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to know if you were going to come up to bed."
Let's try this again, under no circumstances are you to stand at the top of the stairs or in the middle of our room & shout for me at almost 10:00pm at night!!! Don't do it!!I have been running on no Remicade for almost 6 months, working LONG hours and getting about 3 hours of sleep a night if I am lucky...I'm not sure why but that man just can't seem to stand to see me sleeping! He's always been like that, but honestly I am at my wits end and he just isn't understanding!!! Sorry to whine but I am so damn tired, my eyeballs are bleeding (not really)...
This week, my new plan...
Honey, I am going to get my blanket & pillows and snuggle down on the couch, please do not shout for me PLEASE OR I WILL BLACKEN YOUR EYES!!!
I have been able to come in eat my dinner get cleaned up for bed and just relax...however, someone is still have trouble with DO NOT WAKE ME UP!!!
Mr. P. ~ "Hey, do you want this lamp left on?"
Mr. P. ~ "Want me to let her out one more time?"
Lynda P. ~ "Honestly, is there something wrong with you, I'm not trying to be a
smartA$$ but seriously, why can't you just do as I ask? Can't you see that I am asleep, you know that I have been having such a hard time sleeping why do you continue to wake me up?"
Mr. P. ~ NO ANSWER....gets his cooler & heads out the backdoor ~ but not before shouting "GOODNIGHT, SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT" ~ followed up with a phone call which causes me to have to get up to answer the phone...
Mr. P. ~ "Don't forget to put your windshield wipers down in the morning..."
Lynda P. ~ "OMG, You must have a death wish $#@^^#@$**&&!!!! @#$% &*%!!!!
You won't be seeing me if you don't' stop waking me up because I am going to be checking into the Days Inn or the Loony Bin either way I'll get some much needed R&R!!!
So that's where I've been!!
Love & Hugs to all, do any of you have a spare room???