No, I am not saying that Mr. P is porky I am saying that MR. P is a PIGGY!!!! I cleaned my beautiful little house from top to bottom, stem to stern, front to back, up & down & all around last Friday (if "ya'll" remember he flew off to CLJ last Friday) it looked like I was getting ready for a "Good Housekeeping" photo shoot ~LOL!
Those of you that know me know I hate mess, clutter, dust, fur, hair, dirty dishes. dirty laundry, mini blinds that aren't at the exact same height across every window, laundry left in the hamper, toilet seat left up, rugs rumpled up, foot prints on the floor, spills, smudges on the windows & please DO NOT SIT ON THE BED THAT IS NOT ALLOWED NO WAY NO HOW!!!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!...yes maybe I do have a phobia, perhaps I could get my own reality show...
Well like I was saying, my house has been spotless & orderly and beautiful since last Friday!!! Sadly, all of that changed yesterday...he's back & he brought the mess back with him!
Honestly ladies, how can one man make a mess in very room upstairs and downstairs in less than 3.5 hours???? HOW?????
"Honey, Billy, BILLY!!!!!"
"Were you eating peanuts (mind you I am shouting this from our bedroom yesterday evening)?"
"What, why are you asking me that? So what if I was, I'm allowed to eat the peanuts, and how did you know I was eating them?"
"They are all over the bedroom floor!!! Why were you eating peanuts in the bedroom and why didn't you pick them up when you dropped them?"
"I was sitting on the sofa when I was eating them Boss! They are honey roasted and they are sticky, I think they were stuck to my shirt and must have fallen off when I brought the laundry up..."
"Didn't you hear them drop onto the floor; didn't you hear them when you kicked them around the room???"
No response crawled around and picked up the peanuts! Sorted the laundry and picked out more peanuts, retraced his steps and had to get out the dust buster and suck up the peanuts that were ground into the stair treads!! MEN!
It rained today so he was trapped, he made arrows, cut, glued, painted IN MY DINING ROOM!!!! Lord, please give me strength!
Until tomorrow....Ummmm, on second thought I might be checking into a room at the Marriott!
Be Safe & God Bless....